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In this authentic discussion with former NFL cheerleader and current health & vitality coach Taylor Stone, they share how to bridge the mind body connection in world filled with stress, disease, chronic pain and obsessed with body image. Learn how to bring a deep sense of wellness, balance and peace back to your life. We also covered:
- Learning to honor pain, anxiety and other signs from the body, that it needs attention
- Coping with social pressures and insecurities about body image
- Learning how to JUST BE, honoring the need for stillness
- Honoring the waves of the emotional body without stuffing our feelings
- Latest neuroscience and natural techniques for connecting the Mind with the Body
- Strategies for healing chronic pain, adrenal fatigue and managing stress
- Mindfulness meditation as a tool to activate the parasympathetic nervous system – initiating the body’s natural healing potential
- The power of positive thought, a healing mindset and visualization
- Breaking habits, limiting beliefs and addictions
- YOU are the most important powerful influence on your support healing team

Taylor Stone
Taylor is a former NFL cheerleader who took it upon herself to heal her own health issues that come with excessive exercise, dieting, and not taking proper care of her body and soul. Though she views nutrition and exercise as an important aspect of overall health, she specializes on the mind and body connection and emotional healing to raise the frequency of the body to align to true health, confidence and joy.
Enjoy Taylor’s FREE Manifestation Visualization gift HERE!
Website: https://www.innergoddesshealth.com/

Shamangelic podcast
The Shamangelic Healing podcast with Anahata Ananda is designed as a platform for sharing deep authentic conversations about REAL LIFE issues. The mission is to impart valuable insights and resources to support listeners in shining their most radiant authentic self, creating a thriving life they absolutely love, and to manifest their soul’s mission. Topics include: core healing, personal empowerment, spiritual awakening, elite performance, manifestation, conscious relationships, vibrant health and so much more.
Podcast Landing Page: https://shamangelichealing.com/podcast/

anahata ananda
Founder of Sedona’s Shamangelic Healing Center, Anahata Ananda blends the compassion and tenderness of an Angel and the wisdom and strength of a Shaman to guide profound journeys of core healing and spiritual awakening. As a Certified High Performance Coach, Shamanic Healer and Soul Guide, Anahata has guided thousands of individuals through core life shifts, helping them to turn their life around and create the life of their dreams. Anahata masterfully creates a safe and loving space for inward transformational journeys that empower individuals to release their fears, open their hearts and reclaim their power. She has trained extensively with gifted Shamans, energy healers and spiritual teachers from North America, Peru, India and Asia in order to artfully integrate the fields of self-empowerment, Shamanic teachings, emotional release, energy healing, relationship counseling, spiritual studies, yoga, meditation and empowered living. In Sedona, Arizona, Anahata runs the Shamangelic Healing Center for Shamanic Healing & Spiritual Awakening where she is sought after for her:
- Inspirational High Performance Coaching Programs
- Sedona Empowerment & Awakening Weekend
- Online Educational Programs
- Shamangelic Healing Sessions
- Tailored Private Retreats
- Group Retreats
- Sedona Sacred Vortex Land Journeys
Learn more about Anahata’s services, events and programs: www.ShamangelicHealing.com
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