Women’s Soul Awakening Retreat
with Anahata Ananda
Join Anahata for a Weekend Intensive within the sacred embrace of Sedona’s healing energy vortexes. With an intimate group of like-minded souls, you will gain clarity, inspiration and next steps on your soul mission!
So many women are lacking confidence, boundaries, and a tribe of strong women in their life who support them. Because of this, in combination with core wounds and deep-rooted beliefs about themselves, they’ve become the fixer or rescuer in their relationships, or they feel alone and unseen in the world around them.
They want to reclaim themselves and serve, but they don’t know how to embody their soul mission – or what the soul mission even is. They fear their power, but deep down, they know that reclaiming it could lead to a profoundly different life, one that is heart-centered and filled with purpose.
If this is you, you’re not alone – in fact, this retreat was designed to guide you on that journey to finding and activating your power. Because once we release what’s holding you back and set you inside of a community of women who want to expand alongside you, you’ll find an inner radiance you never knew existed – even though it has always been there.

What You Will Gain From Attending?
Allow the powerful healing energy of Sedona’s famous vortexes and extraordinary beauty to activate authentic radiance and nourish your soul.
Raise your self-awareness and individual growth with others on the intuitive path of personal development and spiritual awakening.
Plant your seeds of intention. During this sacred ceremony, you will plant your seeds of intention within a crystal into the sacred earth of Sedona.

Retreat Activities
Intention Ceremony
Sedona Vortex Land Excursion
Inspiring Optimal Performance Tactics
Daily Quantum Manifestation Meditations
Shamangelic Breathwork Journey
Group Celebration Dinner

How will the retreat flow?
- The retreat will begin at Anahata’s Shamangelic Healing Sanctuary, located in uptown Sedona, on Friday morning.
- Saturday will be filled with activities and end with a celebratory group dinner.
- The retreat will wrap up by 12pm on Sunday.
*Meals, transportation, and accommodations are NOT included.
Please plan your travel to allow for full participation. Most Fly into Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport. You may want to rent a car or arrange for airport shuttle service. Be sure to allow 3 hours for shuttle transportation from the airport.
Retreat Start Time:
Retreat End Time:
Anahata will offer a limited number of private sessions on the Thursday before the retreat begins, and the Sunday after the retreat ends. Contact us at support@shamangelichealing.com to reserve an appointment time.

What Women Are Saying About The Retreat
This retreat reconnected me with my purpose, my why in life! I came feeling shaken from the events of 2020. This sacred container allowed me to let go of all of the heaviness and integrate the lessons. I’m leaving feeling lighter, more joyful and connected. Thank you, Anahata!
This retreat allowed me to dig DEEP into my soul. I realized that I can accomplish anything. It allowed me to release all things that are holding me back and provided a safe space to be vulnerable and connect with my inner child. I feel so much gratitude for this experience and connections I made along the way. The number one connection was with myself and feeling so much love for me, the bright warrior goddess that I am.
Anahata is absolutely AMAZING! Angelic in every way. My first spiritual teacher and someone who has forever changed my life. I loved every part, every aspect of this course. So much gratitude for you Anahata. So thankful, so blessed to have connected to you.

The women who participate in this retreat are forever enriched by it and now apply these timeless, invaluable practices to all areas of their lives. Will you be next and join us?
If you would like to be the FIRST to be notified of the next Soul Awakening Retreat, add yourself to the Waiting List!
If you have questions regarding the retreat or booking contact us via the Inquiry Form below or email support@shamangelichealing.com
CANCELLATION AND REFUND POLICY: If we have to cancel the retreat due to restrictions into Arizona, we will reschedule the event or provide credit that can be used toward other Shamangelic Healing programs, courses, events or online services. Due to the high demand for reservations and costs associated with facilities and materials, there are no refunds, transfers or credits offered for partial attendance or no shows. This is a firm policy. Payments are non-refundable.