I had the pleasure of meeting up with Tommy Baker from the Resist Average Academy for a powerfully inspiring podcast interview on Personal Growth, Spirituality & How to Be the Change we wish to see in the world.
Tune-in to the FULL PODCAST here:
What does it mean to take an honest look at core-imprints. These imprints are usually past traumas that play on repeat in our lives. Do they show up in our daily habits? Are these self-sabatoging patterns continuing to present us with similar learning environments?
We continue to create classrooms everyday until we learn the lessons we needed to learn. When we can recognize these old negative patterns, we come to find that we have been sedating the parts of ourselves that want to heal and grow. Time is NOW to Reclaim Your Power! In this podcast you will discover some of the techniques that Natures Wisdom exemplifies, showing us how to release fears and surrender into the BEST version of our Being.
“You’re going to be tested over and over to see which choice you’re going to make.”
Scroll down for some Pearls on living a SOULfully Authentic Life!
“She is nothing short of amazing in her wisdom, compassion, and delivery, and I’m excited to introduce Academy Nation to this amazing resource of learning and light. – Anahata blends the compassion and tenderness of an Angel and the wisdom and strength of a Shaman to guide profound journeys of core healing and spiritual awakening.” ~ Tommy Baker
Anahata Ananda & Tommy Baker
~ Highlights ~
Journey Within ~ Stay Present ~ See what Arises ~
Witness it & Let go
- Respect & Honor Each Others Journey
- Hold Safe & Loving Space
- Check-In to Pains & Disease in the body
- Where does the Mind Wander?
- Ask for Guidance
- Are you listening to Spirit, the Universe
I speak my Truth & show-up with Presence. I am committed to embracing Conscious Relationships. No longer will I sedate my Best Self daily through food, expectations, drugs, alcohol, unconscious entertainment, etc…. I have Clear Boundaries. I stand for conflict Resolution with Ease & Unafraid. My Courage is in the relate-abilty & inner-knowing of the world, flowing effortlessly through me in Harmony with the Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine.
This is the power of TRUSTing our Journey. Are you ready to make the transition from scarcity and survival to Abundance? Our thoughts and vibrations create our quality of vitality, this same inner-dialogue maps our neural networks. Tune this in with the Seasons of Life through the Creative process and you will be Balanced and Beaming!
& So it is.
Tommy is an up and coming Motivational Speaker and Inspirational Podcaster. For more information visit: Resist Average Academy
About Anahata Ananda
Founder of Sedona’s Shamangelic Healing Center, Anahata Ananda blends the compassion and tenderness of an Angel and the wisdom and strength of a Shaman to guide profound journeys of core healing and spiritual awakening. Shamanic Healer and Soul Guide, Anahata masterfully creates a safe and loving space for inward transformational journeys that empower individuals to release their
fears, open their hearts and reclaim their power.
She has trained extensively with gifted Shamans, energy healers and spiritual teachers from North America, Peru, India and Asia in order to artfully integrate the fields of self-empowerment, Shamanic
teachings, emotional release, energy healing, relationship counseling, spiritual studies, yoga, meditation and empowered living. In Sedona, Arizona, Anahata runs the Shamangelic Healing Center for
Shamanic Healing & Spiritual Awakening where she is sought after for her:
– Shamangelic Healing Sessions
– Tailored Private Retreats
– Empowerment & Awakening Courses (offered in Sedona & online)
– Training Courses for Healers & Practitioners
– Group Retreats
– Sedona Sacred Land Journeys
For more about Anahata’s Services visit HERE: http://www.shamangelichealing.com/
To Explore Anahata’s Sedona Courses for Empowerment & Awakening &
Practitioner Training visit
For ONLINE Learning opportunities available NOW in the comfort of your
own home visit https://shamangelichealing.mykajabi.com/