- Awakening the sacred heart and surrendering to the light
- Living in balance with the world and tapping into the magical river of abundance
- Ancient Peruvian wisdom on inner harmony and our relationship with Mother Earth and Father Sun
- The importance of “Love, Service, Wisdom” and how to live a multidimensional life
- Finding harmony with “The 7 Relations” in your life
- Dissolving walls and limitations and breaking the resistance to release heavy energies
- Loosening your hold on the ego and trusting in the Divine Plan
In the Inca tradition, there is no separation between the physical and spiritual worlds. Jorge Luis Delgado is expert at walking this path between both worlds. Jorge is known throughout the world for his guided spiritual journeys to the sacred sites, temples and power spots of Peru. He received his early training from the Kallawaya shamans of the NE Lake Titicaca region, the lineage of the Wise Ones of the Andes, and from the Q’ero elders of Cusco, who are the last remaining tribal descendants of the Incas. Jorge is featured on the History Channel, National Geographic and Gaia documentaries as a local expert sacred Peruvian sites and teachings.
Author of Andean Awakening: An Inca Guide to Mystical Peru, Jorge brings the heart and soul of these ancient teachings to modern-day challenges. Click here to buy his book.
Website: www.kontikiperu.com/en/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/jorgeluis.delgado.311
Podcast Page: https://shamangelichealing.com/podcast/
- Inspirational High Performance Coaching Programs
- Sedona Empowerment & Awakening Weekend
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- Shamangelic Healing Sessions
- Tailored Private Retreats
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- Sedona Sacred Vortex Land Journeys
Learn more about Anahata’s services, events and programs: www.ShamangelicHealing.com