Join Anahata Ananda of Shamangelic Healing and Paula Vail from her interview on “Quantum Manifestation” on the series
“Choices: Finding Your Joy” hosted by the Womans Broadcast Television Network.

“Our Greatness lies waiting for us.” ~ Anahata

In this interview Anahata shares the importance of mastering our mind,
so that we can master our reality too! And, if we don’t someone else will.
So grab the reigns you are in for your Best-Self!
No more playing small, surround yourself with the people that nourish you to grow
and continually remind you, that You Can Do It!

The Universe sees you, saying wake-up and watch your thoughts, they become your reality. We need your gifts to come forward; we need you to play big! I am calling you out…. Tune-in now and learn how to Masterfully weave positive inner-dialogue that is moving away from any unconscious,” I can’t “, victim mentalities from the past. Many of the programs and beliefs we have played out for decades are:

1) Not Ours
2) Don’t Fit Us
3) Not Even True or Real

No more playing on auto-replay, World we are Waking-Up!

Dream into the reality that is your YES!

When we get our positive emotions and feelings involved the quicker we can dissolve old unhealthy neuro-pathways and the quicker new neuro-pathways evolve. So go ahead and use your senses to imagine something new to dream into. Make sure you have a good accountability buddy that inspires you to stay with it.

                                      AND THE LIFE OF MY DREAMS

If you loved what Anahata shared in this interview and would like to learn more about other Shamangelic Healing Inspired Offerings, as well as other  Online Learning Opportunities Click HERE.

Paula Vail is the Founder/Owner of Inspired Wellness. She is a master teacher Usui, Karuna and Holy Fire Reiki. Paula is the host of “for the Love of Reiki” on Voice America Internet Radio, “Why I’m so Happy” on the BBS Radio Network and “Choices: Finding Your Joy” on the WBTVN.



About Anahata Ananda

Founder of Sedona’s Shamangelic Healing Center, Anahata Ananda blends the compassion and tenderness of an Angel and the wisdom and strength of a Shaman to guide profound journeys of core healing and spiritual awakening. Shamanic Healer and Soul Guide, Anahata masterfully creates a safe and loving space for inward transformational journeys that empower individuals to release their fears, open their hearts and reclaim their power.

She has trained extensively with gifted Shamans, energy healers and spiritual teachers from North America, Peru, India and Asia in order to artfully integrate the fields of self-empowerment, Shamanic
teachings, emotional release, energy healing, relationship counseling, spiritual studies, yoga, meditation and empowered living. In Sedona, Arizona, Anahata runs the Shamangelic Healing Center for Shamanic Healing & Spiritual Awakening where she is sought after for her:

  • Shamangelic Healing Sessions
  • Tailored Private Retreats
  • Empowerment & Awakening Courses (offered in Sedona & online)
  • Training Courses for Healers & Practitioners
  • Group Retreats
  • Sedona Sacred Vortex Land Journeys

For more about Anahata’s Services visit HERE:
To Explore Anahata’s Sedona Courses for Empowerment & Awakening &
Practitioner Training visit

For ONLINE Learning opportunities available NOW in the comfort of your
own home visit