Do you feel out of balance at times? Do you struggle with limiting beliefs? I recently sat down with Kyle Kingsbury on the  Onnit Podcast to discuss how we can use the traditional metaphor of the medicine wheel to continuously examine and process the challenges and changes of life.

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There are many different manifestations of the traditional shamanic medicine wheel but basically, it’s a life-compass. My interpretation includes an element, a season, and one or more animal guides for each of the cardinal directions.

The medicine wheel is a powerful tool that you can use to identify and resolve imbalances. It’s important to fully honor each of the four directions and reflect on the symbolic meanings as we travel around the wheel.


Our journey starts in the west. This is the direction for letting go, closing chapters and allowing any grief, anger, hurt or frustration to be brought to the surface to be felt and processed. When we ignore or avoid our deep wounds, they can fester. This can lead to addiction or depression.

This direction is represented by the setting sun (conscious closure), autumn and the water element (releasing old emotions), as well as the snake (shedding what is no longer needed).


The north is represented by the winter season.  A time for rest, hibernation, replenishment. There can be a lot of social judgement about that, but it’s so incredibly important to take time for self-care.

This is the air element and a great example of it is our breath. Air is vital to our existence and harnessing it with the power of breathing techniques can create meditative states beneficial for a wide variety of goals.

This is also where inspiration comes, to be in spirit. Inspiration happens when we’re humble enough to allow spirit in, which means we’ve got to quiet the mind.

I’ve created an online course teaching Meditation Tips for Relaxation and Connection to assist with accessing a place of calm clarity.


After the winter-time replenishment and inspiration, we then move into rebirthing, and that happens in the east. This direction is represented by the rising sun (new beginnings), spring time (planting seeds of new ideas), the fire element (taking action) and the butterfly (blossoming into a new chapter of life). This is the time to set clear, specific goals into motion.


Lastly, we arrive at the south. This the celebration direction, the summertime and the earth element of abundance and prosperity. The fabric of the community is strong when each of us brings our unique magic to the table. The animals associated with this direction are the coyote (working together) and the hummingbird (going after the joy in life).


This is a tool for modern day balance… you don’t need to be in a medicine wheel in Sedona… you can do it in your living room, you can do it anywhere!

Kyle Kingsbury is Onnit’s Director of Human Optimization and podcast host. Aubrey Marcus is the founder and CEO of Onnit, a lifestyle brand based on a holistic health philosophy he calls Total Human Optimization. Onnit is an Inc. 500 company and industry leader with products optimizing millions of lives.



Founder of Sedona’s Shamangelic Healing Center, Anahata Ananda blends the compassion and tenderness of an Angel and the wisdom and strength of a Shaman to guide profound journeys of core healing and spiritual awakening. Shamanic Healer and Soul Guide, Anahata masterfully creates a safe and loving space for inward transformational journeys that empower individuals to release their fears, open their hearts and reclaim their power. She has trained extensively with gifted Shamans, energy healers and spiritual teachers from North America, Peru, India and Asia in order to artfully integrate the fields of self-empowerment, Shamanic teachings, emotional release, energy healing, relationship counseling, spiritual studies, yoga, meditation and empowered living. In Sedona, Arizona, Anahata runs the Shamangelic Healing Center for Shamanic Healing & Spiritual Awakening where she is sought after for her:

Shamangelic Healing Sessions
Tailored Private Retreats
Empowerment & Awakening Courses (offered in Sedona & online)
Training Courses for Healers & Practitioners
Group Retreats
Sedona Sacred Vortex Land Journeys

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