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These courses are designed for those interested in the healing arts or practitioners looking to expand their service offerings. These hands-on courses explore deep emotional release techniques, guided visualization practices, sound healing instruments, & many other healing tools & modalities. Due to the depth of emotional clearing & attunements taught in this class, taking Empowerment & Awakening is required prerequisite before taking this course. 

Choose from individual courses that interest you or join our next group training course scheduled for October 11th – 13th 2016  CLICK HERE

Healing Tools & Modalities Courses:

(Completion of Essentials for Empowerment & Awakening is a prerequisite for the following courses)

Directing the Flow & Energy During a Session ~ 2.5 hours

Especially when working with emotional clients, it is vital to direct the opening, middle and closing of a session with clear intention and centeredness. Learn how to keep a client on track and how to redirect the flow of conversation and energy. Explore techniques to maintain a neutral calm stance while witnessing the client’s process with compassion and awareness.

Deep Emotional Release & Clearing Techniques ~ 2.5 hours

With the stresses of life amplifying in intensity for many, clients will have excessive emotional tension. Many are now motivated to look at the deeper emotional wounds that are creating repetitive painful cycles of behavior. Journey with me into the depths of the shadow, discovering the cues of the emotional, energy and physical body. Learn various techniques for releasing density, ushering healing and expanding consciousness.

Exploring Various Healing Tools & Modalities – 9 hours

We have found within different cultures, many techniques and tools utilized to move energy. Explore and play with variations of sound, scent and touch. Witness how these tools can penetrate places in ways that words fall short. Each client and practitioner is unique, so having a range of different tools in your “Medicine Bag” is very helpful.

Guided Visualization Practices– 2.5 hours

Guided journeys transport the participant to a place away from the trappings and stories of their mind. When free and directed, the mind can play an important role in seeing, feeling and understanding experiences through a different lens. Through a guided visualization, clients can receive insights as well as messages from guides in a way in which they would not otherwise. Learn different types of guided visualizations and how and when to use them.

Conscious Transitions: Honoring Grieving & Stewarding Death-2 hours

The natural cycles of life and death are all around us. At times, a Spirit is called back to Source to serve in another capacity. As a practitioner, it is essential to know how to handle the emotional energies that often accompany death- anger, frustration, grief, fear, absoluteness and abandonment. Learn how to address the transition of death with grace and consciousness while facilitating stagnant energy to move, celebrating this life and making way for the new beginnings.

Shamangelic Breathwork Experience – 2.5 hours

Deep Shamanic breathing has been found to facilitate profound emotional releases, open new channels of awareness and clear toxicity in the body. This sacred journey incorporates guided visualization, holotropic breathwork, vibrational sound, soulful music, energy healing, Shamanic tools, crystal therapy and light body expansion techniques to facilitate a personal Sacred Journey into the depths of one’s soul and BEYOND!!!

Interested in these courses? Call 927.274.6282 or CLICK HERE for inquiries and to reserve your space for individual or group courses.