30 Day Full Body Ejuva Cleanse
Are you feeling sluggish and tired?
Are you feeling overweight and unhealthy?
READY to get back on track?
Do a Guided Full-Body Cleanse & Life Detox tailored to your health & fitness level, guided from the comfort of your own home.
SHIFT your health in a positive direction
DETOX your physical body enabling vitality
LEARN sustainable tools for vibrant health
RELEASE painful repetitive cycles of behavior
LIBERATE your true essence so it may shine
FEEL fabulous & fit again
The Ejuva Body Cleansing program is formulated specifically for the detoxification of the Alimentary canal (from your throat to your rectum), your blood, your organs, your lymphatic system and your tissue cells, while improving elimination and general well being. Since every human being has unique health requirements, the program has been designed to be taken in 4 stages, each lasting approximately one week.
The key benefit of completing phases 1-4 in sequential order is to help eliminate toxins gradually and safely without placing too much stress upon the liver and kidneys which reduces cleansing reactions. These 4 stages can be structured to suit your schedule and easily modified to fit your needs.
Phase 1 – This is the initial phase and most mild of the phases, it prepares the body for deep cleansing. First time cleansers, toxic individuals, meat eaters, those with chronic diseases or physical problems start here. Even at this stage, old fecal and mucoid matter are expelled from the body. The herbs and shake are consumed once a day and three meals may be eaten per day.
Phase 2 – During this phase only two meals may be eaten per day, and the herb and shake consumption is increased to twice per day.
Phase 3 – One meal may be eaten per day and juicing is allowed, the herbs are consumed 3 x’s per day, allowing for deep cleansing. Many people elect to end their cleanse here.
Phase 4 – This is the most potent phase of the Ejuva Body Cleansing program. No solid food is eaten during this phase, this phase is a juice fast consisting of fresh fruit and vegetable juices. The body cannot digest solid foodstuff and cleanse. The human body will always choose digestion over cleansing. However, while juicing not only does your body receive more nutrients than when eating solid foodstuff.