Coming Home CD~Guided Meditations
Visualizations for Clearing & Serenity with Anahata & Jahsah
Enjoy this blissful recorded journey of 4 guided visualizations for clearing and serenity that bring you back home to yourself. Each visualization led by Anahata with musical accompaniment by Jahsah is intended to facilitate subtle yet powerful realignments of your physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and light bodies.
PRICE: $15
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Track 1: Introduction 5:00
Conveys directions on how to prepare yourself and your environment to enhance the benefits of your experience. This includes a description of each visualization and how and when to use them.
Track 2: Rainbow Light Body 18:00
This is an experience that clears, energizes and aligns the 7 chakra energy centers in your body. You will emerge with a more radiant and balanced auric field and feel peaceful and centered.
Track 3: Surrender 15:00
This visualization takes you on a peaceful journey through nature where you will be invited to surrender that which
is weighing upon you. You will emerge feeling lighter, more integrated and supported by the universe.
Track 4: Roots 12:00
This journey provides a profound grounding experience that enables you to feel strong, rooted, confident, supported and balanced.
Track 5: Animal Wisdom 11:00
In this journey we turn to Mother Nature and the wisdom of the Animal Kingdom for guidance. These vital messages will provide clarity about how to bring harmony to specific situations in your life.