Anahata and Jake Woodard uncover the pitfalls to be aware of when faced with relationship challenges. Her journey of self discovery allowed for a variety of tools to be used along her path toward maintaining healthy, conscious relationships. The topics the discuss are:


  • Living someone else’s dream
  • Core healing and the path to spiritual awakening
  • Healing from past relationship traumas
  • Awakening to a vibrant life
  • Why is love so hard?
  • Co-dependent dynamics
  • Triggers to the doors of the heart
  • The results of withholding love
  • 3 most potent fears within the dynamic of a relationship
  • Relationships as reflections of self
  • Pausing before operating through impulse. Choosing relationships consciously through 5 questions:


  1. Who Am I?
  2. Where am I at in my life?
  3. Who are they?
  4. What is going on in their life?’
  5. Is this the right fit at this time?


  • Gathering enough information to be discerning
  • Ignoring the red flags
  • Allowing relationships to unfold naturally over time
  • Building intimacy
  • Co-Creation vs. procreation
  • Holding space for each other during the courting stage
  • Twin Flames: Completing each other vs. Complimenting each other


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About Anahata Ananda:


Anahata Ananda blends the compassion and tenderness of an Angel and the wisdom and strength of a Shaman to guide profound journeys of core healing and spiritual awakening. As a Certified High-Performance Coach, Shamanic Healer and Soul Guide, Anahata has guided thousands of individuals through core life shifts, helping them to turn their life around and manifest the life of their dreams. Anahata is the host of the internationally acclaimed Shamangelic Healing Podcast. She is the founder of Shamangelic Healing, based in Sedona Arizona, where she offers high-performance coaching, inspirational workshops, group retreats, private healing sessions, and online courses. 

For more about Anahata’s services, visit:



The Shamangelic Healing podcast with Anahata Ananda is designed as a platform for sharing deep authentic conversations about REAL LIFE issues. The mission is to impart valuable insights and resources to support listeners in shining their most radiant authentic self, creating a thriving life they absolutely love, and to manifest their soul’s mission. Topics include: core healing, personal empowerment, spiritual awakening, elite performance, manifestation, conscious relationships, vibrant health and so much more.

Podcast Landing Page:


 I LOVE helping people at a deep emotional level. Where most people are unaware of or too afraid to go by themselves, I journey through those depths with them. This is my life’s mission.