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Discover the journey of Spiritual Awakening and Self-Realization through the process of Meditation and Self Awareness with Spiritual Guide and Meditation Teacher Chess Edwards. In this episode, we explore symptoms of being trapped by a false constructed identity along with the freedom and benefits of aligning with our higher Divine authentic essence. Awakening is the journey home to self, truth and love. This episode is packed with insightful concepts, tips and practices to help you on your journey.
- Benefits of self-realization, spiritual awakening and expanding consciousness
- How we create a constructed false self from life experiences and programming that interacts and interprets the world through that distorted filter
- Symptoms of being disconnected from our true authentic divine nature
- The frustration of trying to get life and relationships to satisfy our conditioning
- Cultivating witness consciousness to practice meeting external and internal conditions from our compassionate loving Divine self
- Meeting our own triggers with compassion and a more loving perspective
- Accessing new possibilities for responding to life from a more peaceful space of awareness
- Learning how to hold loving space for self and others
- Leveraging meditation practice to relax habitual reactions, dissolve the stories and allow authentic self to rise
- The process of embracing and honoring the shadow without bypassing our past emotional wounding
- Tips to sit still in body and mind during meditation and how to deepen your meditation experience
- Aligning with our commitments, dedication and devotion to a meditation and self-inquiry practice
“Drama occurs when we ask others to give us what we haven’t learned to give to ourselves”
– Michael Brown, The Presence Process
FREE Guided Visualization to Awakening Consciousness
1/2 off Anahata’s Online Meditation Course
Quantum Leap 1:1 High Performance Coaching
Work exclusively, one-on-one, with certified High Performance Coach Anahata Ananda through personal monthly mentoring sessions, tailored assignments, online educational programs, online support group and the option for an in-person Sedona weekend immersion.
Chess Edwards

Chess Edwards is a Sedona based spiritual guide and meditation teacher within whom the consciousness of divine love has awakened and continues to reveal itself daily. Chess guides you in the art of meditative self inquiry which reconnects you to your most authentic and powerful essence so that you may quiet your mind, open your heart and celebrate the adventure of your life.
CHESS Free Gift: Powerful Living Toolkit- Alkaline & Acid Food Chart / Life Balance Wheel / Guided Meditations
Contact Chess about his True Self-Embodiment Retreat Nov. 6,-9 2019:
Social Media: Facebook:
Shamangelic podcast

The Shamangelic Healing podcast with Anahata Ananda is designed as a platform for sharing deep authentic conversations about REAL LIFE issues. The mission is to impart valuable insights and resources to support listeners in shining their most radiant authentic self, creating a thriving life they absolutely love, and to manifest their soul’s mission. Topics include: core healing, personal empowerment, spiritual awakening, elite performance, manifestation, conscious relationships, vibrant health and so much more.
Podcast Landing Page:
anahata ananda

Anahata Ananda blends the compassion and tenderness of an Angel and the wisdom and strength of a Shaman to guide profound journeys of core healing and spiritual awakening. As a Certified High-Performance Coach, Shamanic Healer and Soul Guide, Anahata has guided thousands of individuals through core life shifts, helping them to turn their life around and manifest the life of their dreams. Anahata is the host of the internationally acclaimed Shamangelic Healing Podcast. She is the founder of Shamangelic Healing, based in Sedona Arizona, where she offers:
· Inspirational High Performance Coaching Programs
· Sedona Empowerment & Awakening Weekend
· Online Educational Programs
· Shamangelic Healing Sessions
· Tailored Private Retreats
· Group Retreats
· Sedona Sacred Vortex Land Journeys
Learn more about Anahata’s services, events and programs:
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